:This is my personal reflection on CDK's Main Site...it opened my eyes to several different resources that I look forward to using as the semester, and my teaching career continues on!
I really enjoyed all of the different types of videos on the website. My personal favorites were the “flash mob” reading dance and the second language learner facts. My concentration within the Elementary Education program here at Kansas State is ESL (English as a Second Language). These facts were helpful to solidify my area of concentration and allow me to learn more about how I can incorporate other languages into my classroom, as well as support my second language learner’s native language or L1.
Also very helpful on this website are the links that go straight to the Kansas State essentials for future educators. Having these accessible to us, as students will be extremely beneficial in working on assignments for not only this course, but also the college of education in general. I look forward to exploring this website and building upon my prior technological foundations.
I didn't realize that the digital footprint and technological resources could be so applicable for an elementary teacher. I feel as if I have had a huge wake up call on our society today and how much we rely on technology in the classroom. The reality of it is that everyday people are taking bigger and bigger strides in technology. We as teachers need to keep up and be able to facilitate our new discoveries in the classroom. I am most excited about learning how we can allow our students to blog and use technology as a familiar and comfortable source for them and also assess their learnings at the same time. How cool is that?...Very! I am excited to continue to learn about how technology can open doors for us as educators and our students as learners in a technological society.
Check out some of my favorite videos!